+91 - 9934399810 contact@spspublicschool.in

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Rules & Regulation
  • Minimum 75% attendance is compulsory at all level. Poor attendance will not be entertained to appear at the examination.

  • Use of Mobile phones, Pagers, Cameras, etc., are prohibited inside the campus, during school hours. If found in contravention, they will be confiscated.

  • Smoking and consumption of pan are prohibited inside the campus. Consumption of any intoxicants or drugs are totally prohibited and will lead to immediate dismissal from the School.

  • Students should display their Identity Card prominently, while they are within the campus and while traveling in the School bus. The security staff will not permit any student inside the campus without their identity card.

  • Test Examination will be held to allow the students to appear at the Summative Assessment Examination.

  • LIBRARY: Students will be provided Identity Card. They can borrow books on the basis of Identity Card and return after two books.

  • Annual Games & Sports function is held every year. School team participates in the School Games & Sports Functions and successful player/candidate are awarded medals & prizes.

  • Cultural Programs: Cultural Programs are held in the School from time to time, under which Debit, Music, Painting, Essay and Speech competition are held. Also, the School team participating in the cultural programs of the School.

  • The cost of any kind of damage done to the school property must be borne by the parents of the student responsible. All responsible care is taken of the property and possession of pupils. But the School Authorities do not hold themselves responsible in any and all circumstances for any loss or damage or otherwise in this connection.

  • Students who do not come with the following will not be allowed to attend their class. 
(A) Short Hair Cut 
(B) Nail Cut 
(C) Clean and proper school uniform with I-Card displayed. 
(D) Books & Copies covered
(E) All Dues cleared. 

Note: In case of foot injury "Only leather Slippers are allowed"
  • All notices from the school regarding activates /examination/holidays/ result distribution etc. are regularly sent through our P.M.'s News bulletins or official website notice section and SMS alerts.

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