+91 - 9934399810 contact@spspublicschool.in

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The entire school is in English medium, which follows the CBSE Pattern. This School is Co-educational.
> Discipline is the back-bone of development in all spheres of life. It has a special significance in education. It is desired of students to maintain discipline inside the classroom and outside.
> The self-imposed discipline inside the classroom and outside is to be maintained.
> The self-imposed discipline in behavior punctuality, dress, neatness, and respect for others is expected from a student of SPS.
> The student is expected to conduct themselves with dignity, modesty, and simplicity.
> Students are expected to show due respect to the teaching staff, behave properly towards fellow students and be courteous to the office staff and also to the visitors who come from outside.
> Students must converse in English in and around the campus. Serious notice will be taken to the students found loitering outside during class hours.
> Use of mobile phones in classrooms, library and laboratories are strictly prohibited.
> Disciplinary action will be taken against those found guilty of causing damage to school property.
> Students must make it a point to look up the notice board daily.
> At least 75% attendance is required of day scholars and boarders of classes I to X, to be eligible to appear for examinations.
> Students should arrive at school 10 minutes before the scheduled time and report for morning assembly when the warning bell is rung.
> Students should not bring colors, crackers, transistors, mobile phones, etc. to school.
> Students should be careful of their belongings. Cycles may be parked at students own risk.
> Students found violating the above rules and resorting to disrupt are liable to be punished in the form of heavy fine, withdrawal of concession or stipends, and even expulsion from the school in extreme cases.
The School day begins at 7.00am to 1:00 pm in summers. The winter timings are 8:00 am to 2:00 pm.
> There shall be 4 formative tests (Class Nur. to X) during a session Retest shall not be allowed to students (absent for any reason) missing any test.
> Two summative examinations shall be held during the session.
> No marks shall be given to any student (due to any reason) for absence from any formative test or summative examination or annual examination.
> Promotion to the next class shall be granted on the basis of an integrated result based on the following marks.
> Formative tests.
> Summative tests for Nur to X.

( A student has to secure at least 40% marks in the integrated result in each subject for promotion to the next class and 45% marks in the aggregate. )
For Boys
Mon. | Tue. | Thu. | Fri.
• Drab Colour Red Check Shirt
• Coffee Brown Paint
• Black Shoes
• White Socks
Wed. | Sat.
• White Shirt
• White Paint
• White Shoes
• White Socks
For Girls
Mon. | Tue. | Thu. | Fri.
• Drab Colour Red Check Shirt
• Coffee Brown Skirt
• Black Shoes
• White Socks
Wed. | Sat.
• White Shirt
• White Skirt
• White Shoes
• White Socks

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